Anaborapi’s task is to promote the improvement, valorization, and dissemination of Piedmontese cattle.
This role is first and foremost carried out through the maintenance of the Breed Herd Book, a complex database that records and preserves the pedigrees of all registered animals and a detailed series of ancillary information, such as validation of breed characteristics, reproductive careers, morphological surveys, genetic values, etc
The second area of activity is the genetic improvement of the Piedmontese breed, which is achieved through the implementation of a modern Selective Breeding Program. It consists of surveys on registered animals, their statistical analysis, and the elaboration of genetic estimates, based on which genetically superior subjects are identified for reproduction through a series of subsequent tests, such as Performance and Progeny Test.
The valorization of the breed sees Anaborapi involved in the study and deepening of the productive, reproductive, and management processes that affect Piedmontese breeding. This primarily involves research work, carried out directly or in collaboration with university institutions, and subsequently the dissemination of the results obtained among breeders and technicians operating in the world of Piedmontese cattle.
The dissemination of the breed is pursued through promotional activities, exhibition events, and participation in agricultural and zootechnical fairs, both in Italy and abroad.