Among the attributes of the Piemontese breed, the notable development of muscle mass stands out, resulting in an exceptionally high yield at slaughter and a unique quality of meat. A well-raised Piemontese bovine can achieve over 70% yield, compared to the usual 60% for other breeds. This exceptional yield is also due to the animal’s light bone structure and thin skin, which minimize waste.
Moreover, with an insignificant cholesterol content that does not exceed levels found in most fish (48-60 mg/100 g depending on the cut) and with fat content 50% lower than other breeds, Piemontese meat boasts unparalleled tenderness, debunking the myth that only fatty meat is tender.
The secret lies in the modest infiltration of connective tissue, which does not form thick layers around the muscle fibers but is distributed lightly and uniformly, ensuring extraordinary tenderness.
This characteristic is a key criterion for evaluating meat, influenced by factors such as the type of cut, age, finishing state of the animal, and especially the cattle breed.
Piemontese beef is also considered among the best in the world for its dietary and nutritional properties, thanks to its low cholesterol concentration and the favorable ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids.
Visually, well-aged Piemontese beef from well-fattened animals displays an attractively bright light pink color.
The modest amounts of fat and connective tissue also result in higher cooking yields: comparative studies show that Piemontese stews or boiled meats lose 10% less weight during cooking.
One of the major factors affecting the quality and characteristics of beef is the so-called “commodity category” of the animal. This term encompasses the age, sex, and in certain cases, such as milk-fed veal, the breeding and feeding techniques used by the farmer.
OxA castrated male over 4 years old, or traditionally, an animal that has already replaced its milk teeth. nce work animals, they were fattened at the end of their careers for high-quality meat. Today, Piemontese oxen are niche products, typically marketed around Christmas; notable fairs include the Bue Grasso of Carrù and Moncalvo.
HeiferA female aged 14-18 months that has not yet given birth. Known for its tenderness, this meat has more marbling fat than young bullock meat. Terms such as heifer and manzarda are used differently across Italy, but the price of heifer meat is generally higher than that of young bullocks.
SteerCastrated males slaughtered slightly older than young bullocks, around 18-22 months. Steer meat is highly appreciated and slightly fattier than that of young bullocks.
Milk-fed VealA male or female animal aged 6-7 months, fed almost exclusively on milk. The meat is very light in color and extraordinarily tender. Today, Piemontese milk-fed veal is rare and limited to high-end butcheries.
Young BullockAn entire male aged 14-18 months with bright light pink meat, tender but more mature than milk-fed veal, and with very little intramuscular fat. Modern selection of the Piemontese breed allows for early maturing young bullocks ready for slaughter quickly, positively impacting meat quality.
CowPiemontese cow meat, typically found in select local butcheries, comes from well-fattened young animals with meat quality comparable to the more expensive heifers.
Long before labeling regulations ensured precise identification of beef, Piemontese breeders began a process to protect and enhance the value of Piemontese beef through the creation of Coalvi: the Consortium for the Protection of the Piemontese Breed.
Recognized as a quality mark since March 1, 1988, today it operates under a voluntary labeling regulation approved by the Ministry of Agricultural Policies (IT007ET), promoting the distinctiveness of the Piemontese breed and certifying meat quality through voluntary labeling.
This system allows consumers to verify details about the origin of the purchased meat, including the bovine’s identification data, farm of origin, breed, and slaughter information.